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Never Done

The damn dogs, like researchers in white coats, these three walk the $50,000 fence line looking for their next escape. Ah, the great Pyrenees, also known as Pyra- wanderers, protect their flock or herd or whatever their charge. We could not do farm-life without them. But these 3 beautiful creatures always have their sights on the next way out, gaming the system. Seems they’d rather terrorize the wee hour sleep of this small farming community than barking up dust along the perimeter keeping predators at bay.

So the bright idea came, not a particularly novel idea, electric fencing. Would that, once and for all keep these striking protectors our side of the fence? Would that solve the daily nocturnal problem?

A modest outlay of cash secured the short list of materials, wiring, insulators, gate connections, and the all important 15 mile charger for the fence. To the work! The Three-quarter mile stretch of 4x4 hog wire, shot up steep hills through

Thick brush, craggy terrain, weeds and grass. We began with the old faithful push mower, then the hard-hitting Husqvarna weedeater. With insulators attached wire run, the time had come to hook up the ground to the rod driven into the earth, then the positive lead to The 17 gauge vein of electric surprise running along the fence. Satisfaction! A job well done! In the biblical sense “it is finished“! Got that chore done. Peace of mind comes at a relatively small price. Success! No friendly and not so friendly calls from neighbors about the barking! Each morning the three show up at their food bowls! Yay. It worked!

On the third day, The light on the charger indicates a problem. The fence load is too high- something along the way has weakened the thrill of the electric surprise. A quick walk reveals the problem: the damnable grass and weeds continue to grow. Sun and rain and rich earth never stop bursting forth along the fence line. Time to pull out that miserable loathsome heavy ass Husqvarna and make the circuit again.

On the farm, and may be in all of life, nothing is ever finished.

After catching my breath and cooling down with a drink in the shade, I look up to see our three researchers in heavy hair white coats meeting at the fence line.

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